The Cinema Museum, London


Museum tour dates September 2024

July 2024 · News

Tours currently available in September.

Museum tour dates October 2024

July 2024 · News

Tours currently available in October.

Museum tour dates February 2025

May 2024 · News

Tours currently available in February 2025.

Museum tour dates August 2024

April 2024 · News

Tours currently available in August.

Museum tour dates June 2024

March 2024 · News

Tours currently available in June.

Museum tour dates May 2024

January 2024 · News

Tours currently available in May.

Georgina Hale 1943-2024

January 2024 · News

We were saddened to hear the news that Georgina Hale had died on January 4th. Georgina was a great supporter of The Cinema Museum and appeared here in several events alongside Murray Melvin and Robert Powell. She was also instrumental in helping to arrange two visits by her great friend Glenda Jackson.

Museum tour dates January 2024

December 2023 · News

Tours currently available in January.